This happened in 1997. BJ back then just started BJJ and he was still a white belt. As a white belt he absolutely dominated these black belt judoka in Judo rules. His nickname prodigy was very fitting.
The bjj phenom, BJ Penn got his black belt in the staggering 3 years.
In 1997 Penn began training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Ralph Gracie, eventually earning his purple belt from Gracie. At that point he moved to Nova União where he was eventually awarded his black belt in 2000 by Andre Pederneiras. A few weeks later he became the first non-Brazilian to win the black-belt division of the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. While Penn’s most well-known and prestigious achievement was placing first in the black belt division in the 2000 world championships, he had success at the Mundials in previous years.
BJJ Black Belt (Without Wrestling Background) Wins Wrestling Tournament
In 1999, at the age of 20, Penn finished 3rd, earning himself a bronze medal in the brown belt division, losing only to Fernando “Tererê” Augusto, and in 1998, earned a silver medal, placing 2nd in the blue belt division. Penn is thought to have earned the fastest legitimate black belt of all active Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners (tied with two others).
Watch: BJ Penn Re-Visits Old School; Makes Peace with Ralph Gracie
“Jiu-Jitsu changed my life completely,” said the actor in an exclusive conversation with GRACIEMAG. “I would be just another guy drinking beer on the beach if it was not for Jiu-Jitsu. It is very beautiful to see the expansion of Jiu-Jitsu. We have Nova Uniao athletes in Australia, Canada and other parts of the world. Jiu-Jitsu transforms the lives of many people around the world. “
More Footage Emerges of Ronda Rousey & BJ Penn Rolling & Doing Judo Randori