
Emotional Rener Gracie Pays Tribute To Suzanne Gracie: The Mother of Jiu-Jitsu in America

Emotional Rener Gracie Pays Tribute To Suzanne Gracie: The Mother of Jiu-Jitsu in America

The Gracie University led by Rener and Ryron Gracie had their Winter Belt Ceremony last night. They dedicated it to their mother, Suzanne Gracie who is sick with cancer and who, according to doctors, has a week left.

Suzanne Gracie’s sacrifices made it possible for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to take root in America. She raised 5 children, and numerous grandchildren while the Gracie men where out there proving the world the effectiveness of Jiu-Jitsu with first privates and challenge matches in their garage and later on the UFC which would change the landscape of martial arts forever…