
Caio Terra: “When I First Came To America, I Lived In The Gym”

Caio Terra: “When I First Came To America, I Lived In The Gym”

Rarely any success story is an “easy-peasy” one. Usually, it involves a lot of sacrifice, work, determination, and relentlessness…
All of which are vital ingredients for anyone who wants to become the best they can, in whichever area of their life that may be.

Caio Terra understands that perfectly.
He moved to the USA from Brazil, in order to pursue his dreams – and it didn’t come easy in the beginning:

When I first came to America, I lived in the gym.
I taught full-time, trained as much as I could, and lived off of cup noodles.

There were many nights I felt like quitting and would often dream about my life if I moved back to Brazil.
I left a good life for a hard life.

I battled these thoughts for a while, but when I accepted that America was where I needed to build my life, I stopped living in my head.

Terra continues to explain that it’s the hard times that make the good times possible:

Today, I have thriving academies, amazing students, and a good life.
I’m currently in Brazil, and I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I had moved back in my 20s.

It’s the hard times that make the good times possible.
Don’t dream of the future; work hard today, and your tomorrrows will take care of themselves.


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