
Are You Drinking Enough Water? Stay Hydrated With These Tips

Are You Drinking Enough Water? Stay Hydrated With These Tips

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champions on the planet. Named as the #1 ranked martial arts organization in Asia by CNN, Yahoo! Sports, FOX Sports, Evolve MMA is the top rated Martial Arts gym in Singapore.

Eight glasses of water might not sound like a lot, but it can really do wonders in terms of keeping us hydrated – especially if we lead an active lifestyle or live in tropical climates. That’s why it’s so important to ensure that you’re drinking plenty of water daily. The thing is, it can sometimes feel like a chore to drink water throughout the day, but it’s totally worth it. This is because depriving yourself of water not only leads to dehydration but also affects your body’s ability to function.

It has been reported that we don’t drink enough water daily. Do you fall under this category? If your answer is yes, then maybe it’s time to follow these 5 Tips To Stay Hydrated:

1) Always have water in front of you

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is also known as “The Gentle Art”.

Whether it’s a bottle or a glass of water, it helps to have it within your view when you’re at work or even at home. This is because you will constantly be reminded to drink up, and if the water is near you, there’s a higher chance you will reach out and drink it!

If you’re constantly on-the-go, then carrying a water bottle in your bag would be your best solution. Although this may feel like a burden because it’s an extra weight to lug around, it might actually encourage you to drink more water so that the bottle gets lighter.


2) Eat more fruits and veggies daily

How many servings of fruits and veggies do you consume daily? If you make it a point to have 3 to 5 servings, then you’re doing good! However, if you don’t, then perhaps you’d like to know that doing so could actually play a part in keeping you hydrated. This is all thanks to the high water content in these fruits and veggies. And the best part? They also contain heaps of nutrients and can keep you feeling full on fewer calories, so you don’t overeat! If you’ve been trying to find ways to drink more water, then perhaps it’s time to start eating your H2O.


3) Stick to a 1-to-1 rule when drinking alcohol

The Warrior Fit class at Evolve MMA builds both your strength and endurance.

In the event that you have to drink alcohol – be it at that birthday party or dinner date – it helps to drink a glass of water for every cocktail or alcoholic drink you consume. By doing so, you will be getting enough water in your system to balance out the sugar from the mixers or syrup, as well as the dehydrating effect alcohol has. Pssst! This can also help you avoid the next day’s hangover and prevent you from getting too drunk (and doing something you potentially regret!)


4) Avoid alcohol the day before an intense workout

A single Muay Thai class can help you burn up to 1,000 calories per hour.

Speaking of alcohol, it’s best to avoid it totally if you have plans to hit the gym. As mentioned earlier, it dehydrates you! Hence, it will also hinder your ability to perform in the gym. Your body should be well hydrated before, during, and after your workout – so that you can maximize your performance and reap the benefits of your training.


5) Reach out for coconut water after hitting the gym

Being well rounded in BJJ means training both in the gi and no-gi.

When we sweat, we lose electrolytes. These are minerals in that blood that play a role in regulating the amount of water in the body. So if you engage in intense physical activity, then you might want to rehydrate your body with coconut water!

A study from Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise suggests that coconut water replenishes body fluids as well as a sports drink, and better than water. For those who are super active, coconut water could be something you can rehydrate your body with after every workout!

If you’re ready to trade in your “Dad Bod” or you’ve always wondered if there was an easy-to-follow nutritional and exercise plan that will get you in the best shape in your life, without endless hours in the gym or trying to survive on lettuce and water, then look no more.  BJJ Fanatics has brought one of the most respected BJJ martial artists, teachers and school owners, Tom DeBlass in to share the simple to follow secrets that have him in the best shape of his life at age 35!  Check out “Ripped in 12 Weeks” available here where Tom will share all of his nutritional and fitness secrets in an easy to follow format, complete with guidebooks and recipes.