Jiu-Jitsu is a Brazilian martial art that has existed for over one hundred years, derived from Japanese Judo. If you think you might want to give this challenging and rewarding sport a try, here are a few things you should keep in mind. If you follow all these tips, chances are that you will walk into your first class feeling ready and prepared.
1. Get in Shape
Jiu-Jitsu is an intensely physical sport. You will enjoy yourself much more and have a higher potential if you are in good shape. Consider losing extra weight and engaging in a workout routine well before you begin practicing Jiu-Jitsu. If you have tried for a long time to lose weight with no results, then you may want to try a product like these apple cider vinegar capsules. While Jiu-Jitsu will definitely help you to improve your fitness, a certain level of physical ability is required before you begin so that you can carry out the moves properly- you won’t regret the preparation.
2. Improve Your Diet
Diet and exercise are both imperative to help you get in the best shape possible. You can exercise all you want, but if you don’t also eat right, it is unlikely that you will yield the desired results. While there is no one right way to eat, some good rules to follow include limiting your sugar and processed food intake. This will help you keep energy levels up during class and practice.
3. Know That Mastery Takes Time
Once you enter your first class, don’t be ashamed not to be the best. No one expects you to be perfect right off the bat. You are there to learn. In fact, you will learn better if you allow yourself the chance to fail. In the beginning, you will probably have to tap often in front of other students and the instructor. Doing this may be a source of embarrassment for you. However, if you learn to leave your ego at the door, it will help you to learn to become a better fighter.
4. Work on Techniques That Are Challenging to You
To become a well-rounded fighter, you need to work through uncomfortable obstacles. If you only work to improve the things you are already good at, you will likely develop bad habits in your weaker skills. These poor habits will be difficult to reverse down the line. Additionally, if you overspecialize in certain moves, you probably will meet your match and be overtaken quickly. Don’t shy away from challenges. Facing them head-on will help you to not only become the best fighter, but also the best person you can be.
5. Focus on the Basics First
It can be tempting as a new participant in this sport to immediately try complicated moves. However, if you don’t have a really solid understanding of the basics, you will likely not execute them with technical precision. You could even injure yourself. You don’t need to know thousands of moves to be good at this sport. However, you do need to understand how to execute moves well. Techniques will only become skills when you can execute them perfectly in a fight.
Jiu-Jitsu is an extremely challenging activity. However, its popularity continues to skyrocket around the world because of the intense benefits it provides to practitioners. Hopefully, the above tips will help you walk confidently through the door of your first Jiu-Jitsu class. Just remember that the only one holding you back is you, and that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to do.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.