
10 Best Back Pain Exercises Ever Created – Stretches & Strengthening

10 Best Back Pain Exercises Ever Created – Stretches & Strengthening

Jiu-jitsu puts a strain on the back of upto 80% of practitioners according to some incidence reports. Do you have an issue with your back? Are you in pain? Disc herniations are much more common than previously thought. Further, disc herniation may be asymptomatic. They may cause mild to moderate or confusing symptoms but they can also lead to serious, devastating and permanent injury.

A Stretch That Will Rid You Of Sciatica, Hip & Lower Back Pain

So what are some basic physio therapist recommended exercises you could be doing to make the pain better?

for one. This works by flexing the spine and giving motion in the back.

This next one works both to treat and even prevent back issues:

And here’s one you can do with your belt:

To check out all the variations press play below: