
(Video) Toukon Challenge: Italy’s Luca Anacoreta

(Video) Toukon Challenge: Italy’s Luca Anacoreta



Luca Anacoreta – BJJ is everything to me
Luca Anacoreta is one of the most succesful BJJ competitors to come out of Italy winning the Europian Championships and placing at the Worlds. For Luca BJJ is his passion and his job.

He will be facing Eduardo Teta Rios from Frontline Academy Norway at the upcoming Toukon Challenge on November 23 in London.

The Toukon Challenge is an elite, invitation only grappling event; Featuring exciting competitors from around the world. It is the first of its kind to appear in Europe, with an experienced team to execute a highly professional event. Viewers will have the chance to either attend the event or watch the live PPV on toukonchallenge.com.