A humanitarian seminar to help impovrished families that the Serbian BJJ community is organizing will feature BJJ black belts Ivan Bozovic from Texas and Aleksandar Matteoni from Croatia.
The Seminar will be in Kimura Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Belgrade, Serbia. We are reaching out to all members of the Balkan BJJ community to come and join in to raise fonds to help Serbian families who live in the Balkans, that have five or more children and live in terrible poverty. All proceeds will go to the Humanitarian organization SerbsforSerbs / SrbizaSrbe .
The seminar will be at Kimura BJJ Academy (FB page) in Belgrade, Serbia on September 11th at 9pm.
Please confirm presence on Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/

The seminar will raise funds for under-privileged Serbian families.

Kimura Jiu-Jitsu academy in Belgrade, Serbia.
U toku je organizacija velikog humanitarnog BJJ seminara u Beogradu. Seminar ce voditi BJJ crni pojas Ivan Bozovic,sef instructor AllAmerican BJJ akademije u Teksasu I crnog pojasa iz hrvatske Aleksadar Matteoni,sef instructor Lotus,kluba u Puli,u Hrvatskoj.
Cilj je prikupljanje sredstava koji ce ici u humanitarne organizacije Srbi Za Srbe i pomocice siromasnim porodicama.
Lokacija i vreme: Kimura Jiu-Jitsu Academy, bulevar kralja Aleksandra 79 (pored opstine Zvezdara). Od 21:00 do 23:00, 11.Septembar.
Svaki profesor će pokazati par svojih omiljenih tehnika. Participacija će biti simbolična i iznosiće 500din.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.