
Roger Gracie Black Belt Ross Nichols on Upcoming Seminar in Macedonia

Roger Gracie Black Belt Ross Nichols on Upcoming Seminar in Macedonia


One of the top BJJ black belt competitors in Europe, Ross Nichols, a black belt under Roger will be conducting a seminar this weekend in Skopje, Macedonia. The seminar will be this Sunday 13 of March from 11am to 2pm at The Strongest-BJJ Roots Macedonia.

BJJEE spoke to Ross about his BJJ journey and what he expects from his first ever trip to the Balkans:

1. Ross, can you please introduce yourself to the BJJ community?

My name is Ross Nicholls. I have been training for 8 years and hold a blackbelt under Roger Gracie. I reached world number 2 as a brown belt and have had a successful first year competing at black belt. With a number of super fight victories, British titles and British national pro victory.

2. Please tell us about your academy.

I teach and train full time at RGA Gymbox in Farringdon under head instructor Cesar Lima. The academy is growing month on month and in my opinion is one of the best academies in the UK to train BJJ. We regularly field five or more blackbelts in our afternoon sessions. In addition to Roger Gracie academy we have Team Tieu one of the most respected Muay Thai teams in the UK, Derrick Williams former world ranked number 2 heavy weight boxer and Ashleigh Williams as our wrestling and MMA coach.

3. How do you see the growth of BJJ in Great Britain in the next 10 years?

BJJ is growing very fast in the UK and the level of the fighters at each belt level is getting higher all the time. Hopefully this will translate into more fighters entering blackbelt divisions in the years to come.

4. Please tell us about your upcoming seminar in Macedonia at the The Strongest- Roots BJJ in Skopje?

I will like focus on butterfly sweeps from half guard but I tend to digress and go off on different tangents. Please feel free to come to me with questions after the class on topics we haven’t covered in class. I try to make the whole thing as informal as possible. I will roll at the end of the seminar because that’s the fun part.


5. What do you know about BJJ in Eastern Europe?

I’ve never had an easy round with anyone from Eastern Europe. I know grappling has a big history in that part of the world and it shows in the quality of grappler produced in the region.

6. What is next for 2016?

I’m in the grinder at the moment training twice a day prepping for ibjjf no gi euros, Abu Dhabi grand slam, Abu Dhabi worlds, super fights…. Lots of competing. I want to have 200 fighters at the academy in London by the end of the year. I would also like to set up a website and produce some free instructional material. Oh and get more Instagram followers haha. Follow me by the way @rossnichollsbjj

7. Feel free to thank sponsors or friends

I would like to thank my sponsors at TATAMI FIGHTWEAR. These guys are awesome. Couldn’t ask for better sponsors.
‘This will be my first seminar in Macedonia and I am looking forward to further strengthen the relationship between RGA Cesar Lima and Roots BJJ’
See you guys in Macedonia!

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