
Vigilantes Plan Nationwide Dojo Storm of McDojos & Abusive Instructors

Vigilantes Plan Nationwide Dojo Storm of McDojos & Abusive Instructors

The great thing about the Grappling/BJJ community is that it is self-policing. Whenever some something scandalous happens (fake black belt,abusive behavior, molestation etc…), these individuals get exposed by BJJ media, or in a more old school manner they are dojo stormed and dealt with.

What’s a dojo storm? One or more people who basically like the name suggest storm into a dojo and challenge the people who are there. In the modern age, because of law suits, it’s becoming more uncommon for these things to happen. Which may be a reason for the sudden prevalence of Mcdojos.

The McDojo phenomenon is a plague that has infected martial arts schools all over the world. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has not been spared by this. What exactly is a McDojo you may ask?  It’s basically a martial arts school or franchise of schools that have shady and poor instructors, that are only focused on making money and that make false claims. Most schools are run as businesses but a MCDojo’s sole function is to make money.

20 Warning Signs Of A BJJ McDojo

Through the years many cases of self promoted jiu jiteiros were outed. While some excused themselves saying it was japanese jiu jitsu, a discipline they made out some outright owned it.

Round Up Of Funniest Cases Of fraudulent Belt Promotions

A recent wave of BJJ instructors that have sexual abuse convictions have also been recently exposed:

Rener Gracie Issues Statement On 3 Convicted Sex Offenders Under Rickson

All of this has prompted a wave of vigilante groups aka the anonymous BJJ police to form a new ambitious project:

They plan to expose and physically dojo storm all mcDojos around the USA with what they deem to be ‘shady practices’

The time has finally come. Criteria needed below to qualify: – Instructor has lied about rank
– Shady business practices – Abusive behavior – Accused of molestation – Practices no touch knockouts – Lied about fight record ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖

Other situations may apply but must be explained. We will research each case diligently before showing up to their facility so do yours before you call them out. If you prefer to remain anonymous just let us know. Any and all styles apply

#Rolljunkie #McDojoLife

The Gracies have dojo stormed a Judo dojo in the past:

Some Dojo Storms end up very badly:

Masked Men ‘Dojo Storm’ MMA Gym with Machetes