
Nicky Ryan & Ethan Crelinsten Promoted To Black Belt by John Danaher

Nicky Ryan & Ethan Crelinsten Promoted To Black Belt by John Danaher

Nicky Ryan and Ethan Crelinsten, rising stars in the pro BJJ scene and members of Renzo Gracie Academy wer today promoted to BJJ black belt by John Danaher.

Gordon Ryan shared the news on his social media:

“I finally dont have to feel so bad when i have tough rounds with @nickyryanbjj and @ethan.crelinsten. These guys have transformed over the last few years, from tough kids to legitimate world beaters. We wouldn’t be able to do the things we do without @danaherjohn and @heysonnyy2. congrats on the black belt guys.”

The young Nicky Ryan wrote:

“Today @ethan.crelinsten and I were awarded our black belts by @danaherjohn. I just want to say thank you to @garrytonon @gordonlovesjiujitsu and @danaherjohn for all they have done for me, none of this would be possible without their help. Many of you don’t know this but before I started training BJJ I was just an out of shape lazy loser who had no goals in life. These guys put me on the right path and completely changed the person that I was turning out to be. If it weren’t for them I’m sure I would still be out of shape and miserable working a standard 9-5 job but instead I am working my way up to the top of this sport. I know I will never be able to repay them for all they have done but I will not let all the time and effort they have put into me go to waste.”

Danaher commented:

“We are all so proud of your efforts and accomplishments over the years Nicky – looking forward to seeing your formidable skills grow even further 😜😜”