
Dana White Refuses to Censor Support for Trump: “You Know What I Said? Go F*ck Yourself”

Dana White Refuses to Censor Support for Trump: “You Know What I Said? Go F*ck Yourself”

In a recent episode of comedian Theo Von’s podcast, UFC President Dana White shared an incident involving a major UFC sponsor…
Who demanded he remove a personal social media post supporting former USA President Donald Trump.

And White’s response? Well, it was characteristically blunt:

I posted a video for Trump on my personal social media. One of our big sponsors called and said: “Take that down.”
You know what I said? Go f*ck yourself.

You vote for whoever you want to vote for and I’ll vote for whoever I want to vote for. That’s how this works.
I don’t even care who you’re voting for. It’s none of my f*cking business. F*ck you.

Don’t ever f*cking call me and tell me who to vote for.

White emphasized the importance of aligning with sponsors that share similar values – rather than just focusing on the financial aspect:

I’m at a point now in my life and my career where I want to be with people that I’m aligned with.

It’s not just about the money.
It is about the money because it’s a sponsorship deal, but it’s not just [about the money].

I’m not going to take a bigger offer if it’s not something that I am aligned with and I don’t 100 percent believe in.

For example, UFC’s partnership with Bud Light – which will be starting in 2024 – has been a subject of controversy, particularly due to Bud Light’s involvement with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

White, however, defends the partnership – highlighting Bud Light’s significant contributions to the American workforce and support for veterans:

Sixty-five thousand Americans they employ. That right there should be enough…
Almost a billion dollars a year with U.S. farmers.

That alone is the reason you should be drinking f*cking Bud Light.