Marcus “Buchecha” Almeida is interested in a rematch against Gordon Ryan!
The two met for the first time back at ADCC 2019, in the final match of the absolute division.
Ryan won in the end, due to Buchecha being penalized for passivity… And now it appears that the Brazilian national would like a rematch!
Namely, Buchecha was asked (during a recent Reddit AMA session) what he thinks of Gordon Ryan and his use of PEDs.
He responded:
If it’s illegal in competition, it’s cheating.
Gordon’s a great fighter.
He was then asked about a potential rematch – and his response was clear:
Yes, why not.
Buchecha also shared some great insights into training and succeeding in both BJJ and MMA.
For example, when he was asked how to continue improving by a person who said that they are a blue belt with a job and a baby, Buchecha had simple advice:
Try to be consistent and train.
I know it must be hard with the baby and the job, but consistence is the key.
And yes…
He doesn’t have anything against scoring a knockout. But it’s the submissions he’s after in MMA:
I always hunt for a submission but if I get a knockout that’ll be good too.
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