
Why BJJ Coaches Should Consider Private Label Water

Why BJJ Coaches Should Consider Private Label Water

If you’re a BJJ coach, you know that branding can help to promote your fighter. Branded items can make your fighter into a star. It also can convey the cohesiveness of your team and hold a lot of persuasive power for your fanbase.

As a coach, one option available for promoting your BJJ champion is with private label water. Water is an essential part of any fighter’s routine. Whether you have branded bottles at the ringside or in the gym, they are a great way to build your fighter’s image.

Many companies offer labelling services. Here’s why BJJ coaches should consider private label companies to market your fighter.


1. Maintaining Control

Private labelling companies have several advantages over international businesses. These larger companies are much more restrictive and often have fewer features to offer. Private labelling companies allow clients to retain control over their branding – choosing design and product style, for example.

If you’re a BJJ coach, then maintaining control over your brand is critical. Through retaining your influence, you can make your water bottle labelling unique.


2. Creating Branding with a Jab


Your next step will be to create an effective logo and tagline. Consider including the fighter’s name, their image, or a “motto” that has made them famous.


By having this unique angle, you can help your fighter stand out above the competition. The visuals and text will make your fighter’s brand more attractive to fans.

Larger companies don’t always have the same features available, so private companies may work better for you as a coach if you’re hoping to develop your brand. Putting a logo on water bottles shows sports fans and consumers a level of professionalism and an understanding of business.


3. Personalization

Giving BJJ water bottle labels a personal touch that is beyond a basic logo is also something to consider. Directing your style towards the type of consumer who will be using and buying your product will help sell your product and increase brand popularity.

Private labelling is also a great way to promote BJJ as a great sport and increase revenue. Plain water bottles or any product without attractive labelling won’t be particularly eye-catching. Besides, unless your fighter has sponsorship from a water company, you’ll be losing out on a lucrative opportunity.


4. Marketing and Cost

Another important aspect of private label branding is to open up different income possibilities beyond boosting your brand image. Many fighters have marketing teams that develop promotional goods – sports kit, for example – which can increase interest and revenue for the fighter. With custom water bottles, you can monetize them and distribute them to the fans.

Using a private company and buying in bulk can often, and surprisingly, be cheaper than going to the large businesses. It’s also easy to make orders online with many companies, and this can help your BJJ water bottle labelling process go more smoothly.

Promotional products are essential to successful marketing campaigns, so make sure you’re not missing out on business opportunities.


5. Health and Environmentally Friendly

Drinking water isn’t always appealing. However, uniquely labelled products can make the process more fun and engages both BJJ team members and fans differently.

For BJJ fighters, in particular, water is essential to keeping fit and healthy. They need more substantial quantities of water to energise their muscles and replace fluids lost through sweating. Water also aids with digestive health and impacts overall fitness.

Private branding can help BJJ team members and fans drink higher quantities of water and buy your products, which will, in turn, increase your BJJ fighter’s popularity and your business.