
Unstoppable Folding Pass Using a Double Grip on the Lapel

Unstoppable Folding Pass Using a Double Grip on the Lapel

Pressure passing is a whole lot easier in the Gi – mostly because you can set up various grips, which give way to many passing variations. However, this is not to say that you can’t pressure pass in No Gi as well. Far from it! You just have to change your approach in a few things and you’re good to go.
BJJ black belt Thomas Rozdzynski gives his perspective on what he considers to be one of the best Gi pressure passes: the Folding Pass.


One of the most effective ways to pressure pass in Gi is by using the Folding Pass, Thomas explains; even though there’re different details to the setup when in comparison to the one in the Gi, the position itself is exactly the same. It basically comes down to how you distribute your bodyweight and how you control the opponent’s legs; both of which are necessary so as to incapacitate them from retrieving their guard.

The setup Thomas shows for the Gi Folding Pass is a great, yet simple one to use! Starting with his training partner,  sitting in the knee shield half guard. So, as the „fight“ begins to take place, to initiate the pass he simply uses a double grip on the opponent’s lapel and he can now start passing. The opponent’s hips are completely blocked and he cannot follow as Thomas back steps and comes back up to smash them in the folding pass.

Your opponents won’t expect this sort of a Folding Pass setup from you, especially because of that initial „hit“ to the side of their leg! Learn more by watching Thomas explain the whole setup on the video below:

Learn The “Automatic Game Over” Pass That The Best BJJ Competitor Of All Time Uses To Destroy Ever Guard: Buchecha’s signature Folding Pass System.

  • It’s simple – anyone can do it and you don’t need flexibility or size to use Buchecha’s folding pass.
  • Marcus “Buchecha” Almeida is a 13-time world champion, a record number of titles.