
The Truth About Being A Small Person At A Jiu-Jitsu Academy

The Truth About Being A Small Person At A Jiu-Jitsu Academy



Jiu-jitsu has gotten a lot of credit through out the years for being the gentle art – the martial art that will enable a smaller person to defend themselves effectively and even triumph over the bigger person.

But once that metaphor is translated to the contemporary jiu-jitsu academy environment things get quite a bit more complicated.

Depending on where you live the typical jiu-jiteiro you encounter the most will be different. Through all the continents and micro communities you meet very different people – both is size stature as well as game plans. And nowadays majority of academies are focusing on sport jiu-jitsu.

But as it is with this bjj modality, once you reach a certain level size becomes an issue once again. And especially so if you don’t work with newbies as much. Truth of the matter is, bjj is hard on everybody and especially so on practitioners of smaller stature.

This is where a concept called Boyd belt is useful. This is a formula developed by Gracie Academy.

The Boyd Formula is basically the theory that a 10 year difference is equal to a belt level or 30 lbs.

For example following this formula means that if you encounter a white belt that’s 60 lbs bigger than you – you will need to be at least a purple belt level to manage to subdue them.

In the end strength, size and age all mater. 

This formula sort of helps you curb your expectations in order to manage to play the long game. What you should be looking for one way or another are personal victories.

One of the best definitions of happiness is knowing you’re on a right path. This means you should gear your personal goals toward self discovery and evolution of your style in such a way that these set backs you’ll be running in from time to time don’t matter.

A lot of life depends on the perspective you have looking at it, so in order to ease up the journey on yourself and make the most of it you should gear your goals towards advancements in thinking as opposed to paving the path to being an alpha in the community or even in the academy.

Slow and steady wins the race, especially if you’re small to begin with. Careful approach and a focus on personal technique will get your whole game to another level.

One other helpful thing is gearing your style according to the style of those similar to your stature. Trying to play a Buchecha game while having the build of Bruno Malfacine will not benefit you -nor should it, Malfacine is a killer on his own!