
This Modified Americana Lock From Crucifix Works Like A Charm

This Modified Americana Lock From Crucifix Works Like A Charm

The Crucifix is one of the most dominant positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu… But it tends to be somewhat elusive to athletes, especially those who haven’t learned how to set it up.

The crucifix is a technique where you control an arm using your legs. You form a “T” in relation to your opponent, hence the name. The position aims to isolate the opponent’s arms in such a way that it will be difficult for them to escape. It also leads to many submission opportunities for the attacker.

Landed your opponent in the Crucifix position?
Well done – now you can take your time and work on a submission.

For example, you could go for the following modified Americana Lock technique!
Ed Abrasley demonstrates it on the video below:

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black belt And Former Pan Champion Dallas Niles Dive Deep Into No-Gi Crucifix Techniques, Covering Everything Your Need For Success Including Setups, Control Tactics, Creative Finishes, And So Much More.

  • Understand exactly what it takes to control the crucifix position and use those concepts to become a submission machine.
  • Focus intently on using your legs correctly in this position so you can make it one of the strongest and most controlling techniques in your repertoire.