
This Back Take Is Perfect Against Training Partners Who Love To Invert

This Back Take Is Perfect Against Training Partners Who Love To Invert

Do you have a training partner or two who just love to invert and attack your legs… More specifically, Heel Hooks and Kneebars?
If so, then here is a neat little back take that they won’t see coming!

Jason Rau demonstrates the back take, as well as when to use it:

Rising BJJ Star Andrew Wiltse Is Back To Share His Buzzsaw Passing System. This Time Specifically Tailored To No-Gi Guard Passing!

  • Create non-stop tempo against your opponent to consistently pass a wide range of guards.
  • Learn concepts and strategies that are tailored to the world of No-Gi BJJ.

Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.

Welcome to SLOTH Jiu-jitsu – the ultimate programme for conserving energy, utilising body weight and taking your time! An especially effective strategy for older or less athletic competitors, but suitable and highly recommended for all jiu-jitsu practitioners. 12 chapters taught in person by 3rd Degree BJJ Black Belt Gile Huni.