
Rickson Gracie’s Tips for Women Who Train Jiu-Jitsu

Rickson Gracie’s Tips for Women Who Train Jiu-Jitsu

On his new Rickson.academy website , the undefeated champion of the Gracie family is providing tips, reflections and complete Jiu-Jitsu lessons.

Today, Rickson Gracie’s main objective is to show how Jiu-Jitsu can be practiced by all age groups. And by people who didn’t even think about wearing a kimono one day.

“Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art capable of being appreciated and practiced by anyone. The way and the intensity with which it is practiced is what differentiates whether a person will use Jiu-Jitsu in championships, in professional MMA, in the army, as a bouncer at a nightclub or just to relax, and maintain good mental and physical shape” , said Rickson, in a recent interview on the Jocko Willink podcast.

“Today, I estimate that for every blue belt that gets promoted at a good Jiu-Jitsu academy, a hundred other practitioners drop out before getting their blue belt. That’s because academies today work in a system of fighting between students. This way, whenever the student goes to the gym, he needs to put himself to the test, show that he is tough. When the challenge often proves too hard for some, he is not looking for that.”

For Rickson, the teachers might even hold off the white belts for a few months, but at some stage, they’re going to need to clash. “And so, in six months, the vast majority of students will abandon the gi. And worse: the vast majority of them will never give Jiu-Jitsu another chance, and won’t be able to experience its greatest benefit, which is to remain calm even in the worst situations in life.”

Check out some innovative exercises from his course for women, beginners and general students looking for fitness, peace of mind and self-confidence to deal with life’s stresses.