
John Danaher on How To Make Jiu-Jitsu a Mainstream Spectator Sport

John Danaher on How To Make Jiu-Jitsu a Mainstream Spectator Sport

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a relatively young and ever-expanding. The growth of MMA has shined a light on bjj for the average American male who can’t wait to learn and then tell all his friends about it. And of course with the 18-45 demographic you typically have a crowd whose habits are just forming and who aren’t afraid to invest their own money into it.

Dropping the Brazilian from bjj probably seems like the best next move, especially considering the importance of the American market.

There is some division in the grappling world about whether point-based or submission-only style tournaments are a better format for ‘true’ jiu-jitsu, fairer competitions, or better entertainment.

For BJJ/Grappling to become a mainstream spectator sport there needs to be a changing in the competition format and rules. John Danaher was recently a guest on the Joe Rogan podcast, where he discussed what needs to change in Jiu-Jitsu’s format.

For him, submissions need to be put forward.