
James Smith Promoted To Brown Belt in Jiu-Jitsu

James Smith Promoted To Brown Belt in Jiu-Jitsu

Personal trainer and UK personality James Smith was recently promoted to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) brown belt after years of training. Smith is known for delivering high-quality insights into cardio conditioning, strength training, and nutrition along with his engaging personality. This approach has earned him significant success and a large social media following, with millions interested in his perspectives. He has also branched into traditional media as a multiple best-selling author.

Smith began BJJ long ago and has trained at gyms worldwide, earning his blue belt in 2018 and purple belt in 2021. He has now advanced to the final colored belt level before black. He has also experienced the highs and lows of competition, which few celebrities choose to undertake. However, Smith is not alone, as famous actors like Tom Hardy have also tested themselves on the mats.

BJJ participation is growing among celebrities globally, and more will likely participate over time. This broader exposure benefits the sport’s development by introducing more people to BJJ. It is also positive to hear professional trainers like Smith advocate for the physical benefits of BJJ.
In a recent Instagram post, James Smith announced his promotion to brown belt in BJJ by Ryan Walsh at Garage Jiu Jitsu Wollongong.


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