Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza‘s event took place last Saturday in Manaus, Brazil.
13 huge fights captivated the attention of the audience. The UFC legend’s event was attended by around 3000 people.
In the main event Ronys Torres defeated Fernandinho Vieira by unanimous decision int he 80kg category.
Initially Ronys was scheduled to go against Netto BJJ who had to pull out due to injury but even with the late day switch Ronys asserted his dominance and won after a high level technical battle.
Dileno Lopes elsewhere defeated Kenny Pinheiro in the upto 67 kg division.
But Jacare Submission Combat was not sparred of the draw curse with many of the events ending without a submission, in fact only one ended in a sub. In the 65kg division Nascimento won against Maysa Ladislau via choke- interestingly enough the only fight to feature a submission was the only fight that featured women.
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The Event sadly didn’t back out of featuring Registered Sex Offender Hermes Franca. But at least we can take some comfort in the fact that he was defeated by Jorge Patino Macaco
Ronys Torres defeated Fernando Vieira by unanimous decision
Eduardo Inojosa beat Maik Matos for points
Jorge Patino Macaco defeated Hermes Franca by points
Dileno Lopes defeated Kenny Pinheiro on points
Franciele Birth finished Maysa Ladislau with a choke
André Julius defeated Claudevan Snooze by points
Matthew Gabriel defeated Francinaldo Neguinho by points
Carlos Borracha defeated Fabio Trindade by decision of the jury
Robert Pato defeated Williams Preguição by unanimous decision
Adriano Balby defeated Rubens Macula
Diego Davella defeated John Ferreira
Marcio Pontes Alcenor defeated Alves by unanimous decision
Anderson King defeated Cristiano Catala split decision of the judges
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.