
How to Run Properly for Beginners

How to Run Properly for Beginners

People usually assume that in order to take up running, they simply need to get outside and start. However, the fact is that there’s so much more to running than that. If you’re not careful and you don’t perform this exercise the right way, you run the risk of suffering a serious injury. 

In order to prevent yourself from getting hurt and ensure that you’ve approached this type of workout property, check out this guide. Here, we’ll be discussing some of the most important things you need to pay attention to when you’re just beginning your journey as a runner.

Mind your posture

Having proper posture is essential, no matter if you’re a runner or not. So, before you start running, make sure you work on your posture first. If you’re not maintaining a proper posture during your run, you are at a greater risk of injury. Not only that, but you’ll be putting a lot of extra strain on certain parts of your body if your posture is anything but good. Therefore, make posture-correcting exercises a part of your everyday routine and get your body ready. 

Invest in proper running gear

Aside from making sure that your body is physically prepared for running, you should also invest in proper running gear. Running tops, leggings, sports bras and running shoes are just some of the things you’ll need to obtain. There are lots of other pieces of runner’s gear that you should check out. For more information about the best running gear, you can visit the WALKJOGRUN. With the right set of gear, you’ll be able to enjoy your exercise while being fully supported the right way. 

Stay motivated

Next, finding the right motivation and trying to stay on the right track can sometimes prove to be quite challenging. That’s why you should try out all the little hacks that might motivate you to go for a run. Start a running diary and keep track of your progress. Ask a friend or a partner to join you for a run when you’re not feeling too much up to it. Set yourself clear running goals you want to reach but make sure they’re realistic and attainable. All of these will significantly aid you to find motivation and keep going even when you don’t really feel like it.

Mind your diet

Furthermore, no matter what your running goals are, you will need to make some slight alterations in your current diet. Since in order to be able to run your body will require energy, you need to make sure that you treat it to all the necessary nutrients. Fat and carbs are two things that your body uses as fuel when running, so you need to find a way to incorporate more of them in your diet in order to have enough energy to run. Coffee is also great for runners, but make sure you drink it plain and black, without any sugar or milk. 

Allow your body to heal

Finally, as a new runner, you should try to limit your runs to two a week, at least in the beginning. Later on, as your body becomes more able and as you build up your endurance, you can gradually increase the tempo. But it’s very important that you allow your body to rest and heal properly between your runs. Now, this doesn’t mean that you should spend that time lounging around your house either. Instead, see to it that you go for a walk on those days you’re not going for a run. 


Running is an excellent way to tone your entire body, improve your stamina and work on your fitness level. However, you need to make sure that you approach it the right way and prepare for it accordingly before you actually start. That way you can ensure that you’re doing everything right and minimize the chance of injury.