
How To Maintain A Healthy Diet Starting This New Year

How To Maintain A Healthy Diet Starting This New Year


Whether it was a decade ago or 2023, the resolution to have a healthy diet will always be the most common resolution for many. Are you finding it difficult to keep up with it? Does your healthy food habit only persist for the first one and then fall into pieces with a sudden late-night craving for pasta?


Then you have reached the right place. In this excerpt below, we will not only be discussing the reason behind why your plans to have a healthy diet almost always fail but also how to uphold that resolution.


– Staying fit.

– Eating healthy,&

– Cutting down on your worst habits.


We have got it all covered.

Why Do New Year Resolutions Fail?

Before we get into the solution, let’s discuss the problem. So, why does our new year’s resolution of staying fit almost always fail?


  • First, your enthusiasm is high, and you try to do everything at once in the very first week.
  • Second, you are too hard on yourself when unable to adhere to the daily dietary restrictions you have set for yourself, which eventually leads to your surrender.
  • Third, from having junk food almost every day, now you are restricting every form of food you enjoy. Cutting down on sugar and salt at an alarming level.
  • Fourth, you are trying extreme diets without consulting a doctor or a dietician. This is eventually leading to excessive hunger, resulting in a binge session.
  • Fifth, you are overall not enjoying your resolution. Now, this might sound like an irony to many. How could one enjoy healthy eating?


Believe it or not, there are ways you can enjoy being healthy with your food intake without having to restrict too much. Do not run behind a trendy diet culture. Rather find a healthy balance that is suited for your body.

How To Maintain A Healthy Diet This New Year

From eating something you hate to finding food that you actually enjoy, all the while not harming your future self, that is the true meaning of a healthy diet. Remember, anything healthy shouldn’t lead you through a bad mental health journey. If it is doing so, maybe you need the following changes.

1. Choose Colorful Food

Doctors and dieticians have said that a plate with colorful food items is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. These will include green leafy vegetables and colorful vegetables like cauliflower and beetroots.


Your diet should also include fruits of all kinds. Rich in Vitamin A (Apples), Vitamin C (Citrus fruits), Vitamin B6 (Magnesium), and Antioxidants & Anti-inflammatory fruits like berries. Yes, you can make a smoothie if the texture of the fruits is not to your liking.


Some other whole foods which you should be befriending in your diet are proteins and nuts. So, add a healthy amount of oats and almonds to your diet.

2. Don’t Guzzle On Tasteless Food

Yes, we did name a bunch of healthy food alternatives in the section above. However, they do not all have to be tasteless. If you are making a salad, do not simply chew on the green. Add different textures and flavors to it. Add some crunch with kale, or spinach, then add some well-seasoned protein of your choice and add superfoods like chia seeds or sunflower seeds.


Then add a good tasty seasoning to make it taste healthy. Try olive oil, low-fat mayonnaise, and something which will always enhance the taste, spices! Do not worry about having a tasteless healthy diet when you can add cumin, garlic powder, cajun seasoning, and turmeric to your food. All flavor bombs and all with good properties help your body.

3. Don’t Over-Restrict Yourself

Do not be too rigid with your health plan. For example, cutting down sugar, carbs, and excessive salt all at once. Sometimes, you would want to treat yourself to a good burger, and too much suppression of craving can lead to unhappiness.


A good rule of thumb would be to have scheduled dieting. Eat healthy(tasty) food throughout the week, and once or twice a week (for one meal), you can take care of your cravings. As long as you do not binge to an unjustifiable limit of fried food, giving in to your tiny cravings from time to time is of no harm.

4. Say No To Alcohol

Alcohol is a catalyst for an unhealthy diet. Why?


Because it is a chain reaction.


You begin drinking, and after the euphoric high, you want to eat all the unhealthy items on the menu. The principles of sticking to healthy eating habits aren’t possible when your mind and motor movements are compromised under the influence.


Then comes the hangover, where you want to binge on more greasy food in order to feel better while regretting your last night’s actions. What if we tell you there is a healthy solution to this?


Non-alcoholic tonics and beverages are the healthy balance between a delicious “cocktail” and sipping on something at a party.


  • You wouldn’t feel left out.
  • The taste and smell of these non-alcoholic tonics will lead to dopamine release.
  • No more waking up with a splitting headache or a bad hangover.
  • No more leading your kidney and liver to a slow death.


You can visit this website to find some of the decadent and delicious non-alcoholic cocktail alternatives.

5. Stop Late Night Snacking

The food that sticks to your body the most is your late-night sugary and salty snacks. Late-night cravings are not new to the human body, and here are some of the reasons behind them-


  • Incomplete, unfulfilling dinner.
  • Bad sleeping habits keep you up at night. Sometimes, you are not hungry, and you are just bored.
  • You do not have healthy alternatives.


Needless to say, the fix to this solution is to eat a fulfilling dinner and always keep healthy snack alternatives like fruits, dry fruits, or nuts to munch on if you are staying up late.

Do Not Be Too Hard On Yourself!

Throughout your journey towards a healthy diet, you will be challenged by your own motives. There will be days when you will feel like pigging out an entire tub of ice cream because you are eating your emotions.


In order to keep your body healthy, taking care of your mind is also important.


So, take therapy if that is what you will need, and do not be too hard on yourself if one day the healthy routine falters.