
How Much Do Instructors at BJJ Academies in the US Get Paid?

How Much Do Instructors at BJJ Academies in the US Get Paid?

The salaries of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructors at large, well-known academies like Renzo Gracie NYC, Gracie University, Atos, and AOJ can vary widely based on several factors.

These factors include the instructor’s level of experience, achievements in the sport, the size and location of the academy, and the roles they play within the academy (such as teaching classes, private instruction, or administrative responsibilities).

  1. Experience and Rank: Higher-ranked instructors, such as black belts with significant competition experience or those who have a strong reputation in the BJJ community, tend to earn more.
  2. Location: Academies located in cities with a higher cost of living, like New York City or Los Angeles, might pay their instructors more compared to those in areas with a lower cost of living.
  3. Academy Size and Revenue: The size of the academy and the number of students enrolled play a significant role in determining an instructor’s salary. Larger academies with a substantial student base are often able to pay higher salaries.
  4. Additional Roles: Instructors who take on additional roles, such as managing the academy or conducting private lessons, might have higher earnings.

As a ballpark figure, full-time BJJ instructors in the United States can expect to make anywhere from $30,000 to over $100,000 annually. However, it’s important to note that these are rough estimates and actual salaries can vary.

Additionally, many BJJ instructors supplement their income through private lessons, competition prizes, seminars, online instructional videos, and sponsorships.

For precise figures, it would be necessary to contact the academies directly or look at industry-specific salary surveys, as this information is not typically made public.