
Gordon Ryan Walks Out On Seminar After Repeated Attempts To Record

Gordon Ryan Walks Out On Seminar After Repeated Attempts To Record



Danaher Death Squad has been unafraid to make a fuss when in the past someone would try and compromise the system. There was notably one case in particular that’s widely known. Rob Biernacki of Island Top Team had many privates with Eddie Wolverine – where he learned what he would later share in a series of clips for which he would then appologize

Available Again: Secrets Of The John Danaher Leg Lock System

However this case had thought the squad caution which led to yesterday’s incident staring Gordon Ryan:

To the ******** who recorded Gordon Ryan’s Seminar today.

F*ck you. He explicitly said not to f*cking record him, and you f*cking ruined a chance for everyone at the seminar to have a chance to roll with an ADCC champ.
People paid good money, and spent even more in time to go to this seminar. F*ck you.
For everyone else there, it was great drilling with you guys. For people who couldn’t attend, it was still worth going, the details are excellent. Gordon was awesome about going around and correcting mistakes and answering questions. Would still attend despite said f*cktard.


Here’s how Gordon Ryan describes what took place: