
Gordon Ryan Shows Hidden Details to the Tripod Sweep That You May Have Never Seen Before

Gordon Ryan Shows Hidden Details to the Tripod Sweep That You May Have Never Seen Before

The tripod sweep and its cousin, the sickle sweep are considered simple but yet effective techniques that work just as well for beginners as for advanced BJJ practitioners.

Each sweep requires a lot of effort. In fact, in many cases a well-practiced technique will be effective, but also surprising for the opponent. In a perfect sweep, you shouldn’t be using any strength at all.

Three-time ADCC world champion Gordon Ryan knows all about sweeps. Here he shows some great details to make your tripod sweep more effective.

It is quite cunning, because it is about setting up the opponent properly, and then taking him off balance. All the details mentioned by Ryan are important, so sit down to the instructional video and focus on this interesting sweep: