Ralph Gracie black belt Sean Roberts isn’t having any of the King Ryan nonsense. He’s issued an official challenge even going so far as to tag the notorious Danaher Death Squad member. And he’s trying a different approach..
This is what I believe and feel free to call me out and say I’m being a little bitch.
Any high level athlete shouldn’t have to risk losing money period. Gordon Ryan is tough as shit and nobody can take that away from him. So if I put down 5 or 10k of my own money there is a chance that I could possibly lose money. There is a chance that he could lose money too. Who here thinks that a athlete that has dedicated their life to jiu-jitsu should go into a fight knowing that their is a chance they would lose money? I don’t want your money Gordon and if I won I wouldn’t take your money. That’s your money that you earned for all your years of blood sweat and tears. I only wish to step on the mat and compete against you.
If someone wants to put up money on us that’s fine. I’ll fight for free because I love jiu-jitsu if I make money that’s a bonus for me.
“Ive never called someone out before in my whole Jiu-Jitsu career. I guess I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. Gordon Ryan you’re the 1st person I’ve ever challenged. I challenged you for 2 reason. The 1st reason is because I would love to compete against you. You’re excellent on the mat and the style that you showcase is amazing. You have defeated many high level guys in your short time in Jiu-jitsu. The confidence you have is rare and I’m sure it’s a big reason why you win so much. I’m not down to bet a large amount of money against you. Why? 1st of all I can’t afford it, and 2nd is that we both are very good at what we do and we should not be betting our own money. Just because I’m not betting money doesn’t mean I’m scared to fight. I have important things to worry about and if I lose it could ruin me financially. I’m not willing to bet that just to fight you. Again your amazing and there is a very real chance that I would lose. I’m no idiot. I know where my level is at.
The 2nd reason I called you out is to show everyone your true colors. You posted a picture of your 30k+ instagram followers vs my just under 2000 followers. The thing is that alot of people love me for who I am as a person. I do jiu-jitsu because I love jiu-jitsu. I don’t want friends that just want to be my friend because of my skill that I’ve acquired through years of training, or because I’m a black belt. Of course I have people that dislike me. I’ve wronged people in the past and I feel bad about it. Jiu-jitsu to me is much more than just making money and winning. A perfect example of a great martial artist is Marcelo Garcia. How can you not like Marcelo Garcia? He’s a wizard on the mat and one of the most humble guys in the sport. Everyone loves him and his name will be remembered for many many years. Gordon you can make your name big too but with how you act towards other competitors and people your name will die when you become past your prime and are too old to compete at the highest level. If you really want to be the GOAT your attitude needs to match your skill on the mat.
All of us are tired of hearing “I’m better than everyone, I make fat stacks, or he’s scared because he won’t bet $10k.”
This is just my opinion and anyone has the right to disagree.”
As you can see from the post above Roberts isn’t one to shout his name from the top of a mountain with no reason whatsoever so naturally casual commenters found it handy to question his credentials. What they probably lack the remembrance for is that Roberts was actually a part of Metamoris 3. He fought Zak Maxwell. Sadly like many sub only matches, this one also ended up in a draw and was largely overshadowed by the headline fight between Eddie Bravo and Royler Gracie.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.