
Brown Belt Accused of Attempted Murder Of Rayron Gracie’s Mom

Brown Belt Accused of Attempted Murder Of Rayron Gracie’s Mom

One Vinicius Batista Serra (27) attacked Elaine Caparroz (55)in her home over several hours.

Vinicius Batista Serra is reportedly a brown belt under Brazilian top team who were none too pleased about this happening:

In a statement, the Brazillian Top Team (BTT Lagoa) reported that Vinícius Batista Serra, the aggressor of the businesswoman Elaine Perez Caparroz, never belonged to the official team of the academy.

“BTT, on behalf of its teachers and students, repudiates any act of violence, its vocation is the sport, and as a this imposes discipline and respect for others, “the statement concluded.

The assailant was arrested in the act and, after a custody hearing, is being held in custody at Benfica prison in the northern area. Police said he had a psychotic outbreak and can not remember the episode.
The assaults on Elaine occurred on Saturday. They started around 1am and stretched until almost 5:30 AM. They were punches and bites, among other blows. To the police, Vinicius claimed that he had taken wine before bed with Elaine and freaked out.

Vinícius is 27 years old and a law trainee. In a statement, the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-RJ) expressed “the deepest condemnation of the case,” recalling the 33 feminicides that occurred in the country in the first 11 days of 2019.

Many members of the Gracie family took to social media to exchange disbelief over what occurred to the woman who gave birth to Raryron Gracie with late Ryan Gracie.

With a pain in the heart I come to talk to you about this episode of attempted murder … You never think you can get so close to us. It is a horrible sensation, with tightness in the chest, hands tied … ⠀
Vinicius Batista Serra, lawyer, resident of Leme, in Rio de Janeiro, brutally assaulted a woman very close to my family in a premeditated way and tried the feminicide.
A monster!

He was caught red-handed and as you would expect from every coward, he is claiming a psychotic outbreak so his lawyers can try a milder sentence. In his last testimony he said that he does not remember anything.
Let justice be done and the penalty for such a grotesque crime is hard! Society and justice can no longer allow such psychopaths to remain unpunished and in contact with society. Please share the photo of this show so that everyone knows who he is.
“It’s unbelievable to
hear from some” what must she have done to him to do it? “What world is that? ⠀
Probably this psychopath must have a history of violence against other women. Report it!
⠀ Step
aside and see the cruelty.


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Com uma dor no coração venho falar com vcs sobre esse episódio de tentativa de homicídio… A gente nunca acha que pode chegar tão perto de nós. É uma sensação horrível, de aperto no peito, mãos atadas… ⠀ Vinicius Batista Serra, advogado, morador do Leme, no Rio de Janeiro, agrediu brutalmente uma mulher muito próxima da minha família de maneira premeditada e tentou o feminicídio. Um monstro! ⠀ Ele foi preso em flagrante e como é de se esperar de todo covarde, está alegando surto psicótico para que seus advogados possam tentar uma pena mais branda. Em seu último depoimento disse que não lembra de nada. ⠀ Que a justiça seja feita e a pena para esse crime tão grotesco seja dura! A sociedade e a justiça não podem mais permitir que psicopatas como esse permaneçam impunes e em convívio com a sociedade. Por favor, compartilhem a foto desse mostro para que todos saibam quem ele é. ⠀ Inacreditável ainda é escutar de alguns “o que ela deve ter feito pra ele fazer isso?” Q mundo é esse? ⠀ Provavelmente este psicopata deve ter um histórico de violência contra outras mulheres. Denunciem! ⠀ Passe para o lado e veja a crueldade.

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