
BJJ Practitioner Leaves Local Gracie Barra After They Tried To Control What He Posted on Social Media

BJJ Practitioner Leaves Local Gracie Barra After They Tried To Control What He Posted on Social Media

In the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the name Gracie Barra stands as a perfect example of established world brand of franchised Jiu-Jitsu academies. However, even the most established institutions are not immune to controversy. In a recent turn of events, a story has emerged on Reddit BJJ that is sending ripples through the BJJ community.

The situation surrounds a dedicated BJJ practitioner who made the difficult decision to leave his local Gracie Barra academy. The catalyst for this departure? An unprecedented move by the academy to exert control over his personal social media account and what he was posting online.

This incident raises significant questions about privacy, autonomy, and the boundaries between an individual’s personal life and their affiliation with a sporting institution.

Left GB for a Machado gym because my local GB started trying to control my own personal social media account
byu/slut4surfing inbjj

“I am a paying member, not an ambassador nor a paid employee and they sent an official email saying I can’t tag my teammates that I have a personal relationship with outside the gym, I cant post BJJ memes and other gyms content. That was the last straw after they frowned upon me cross training in another gym. Also one of the purple belts for whatever reason was just spiteful.

So Ive had enough of it. Left.

I realised Machado style seemed so much different in methodology, but hey happy to learn new stuff. The new gym has much better facilities, more welcoming, the GIs are not overpriced and the best part is that they don’t give a sh*t if I crosstrained. Also no warmups, and love the fact that they go hard with rolls. Really pushes you out of your comfort zones. So yes. Training wheels are off.

Anyone here with insights with the Machado lineage?”

The email he was sent:

The last straw that made me leave GB.
byu/slut4surfing inbjj


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Some comments:

byu/slut4surfing from discussion

byu/slut4surfing from discussion

What does this mean for the future of BJJ academies and their relationship with students? Join us as we explore the intricate details of this unfolding narrative, examining the perspectives of both the practitioner and the academy, and the broader impact it may have on the BJJ community worldwide.