
BJJ Blue Belt Defeats Black Belt in Grappling Competition

BJJ Blue Belt Defeats Black Belt in Grappling Competition

In a BJJ competition, anything can happen. You will often see surprises, especially in the No Gi divisions where some competition mix the belt levels. It’s not uncommon to see a blue belt face a black belt. This often leads to upsets:

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This recently happened in a Grappling competition in the US where experienced blue belt and Youtuber JoshRichBJJ competed in the advanced division where he first faced a purple belt, followed by a brown belt, then met a very tough black belt in the final.

A few things have to be said. The blue belt in question, Josh, is a very good blue belt who is in his 20’s, who trains full time and regularly defeats higher belts in No Gi BJJ competitions. Lui, the black belt, has great technique and also competes in the master division, which means that he is over 30.