
BJJ Blue Belt Blast Double Legs Aggressive Man Who Bumped Him in the Street

BJJ Blue Belt Blast Double Legs Aggressive Man Who Bumped Him in the Street

It goes without saying that your goal should always be to not get involved in any sort of a street fight. It’s best to just deescalate the situation by talking with the other side; or, if that fails, to excuse yourself and walk away.

However, you might find yourself in situations in which you just can’t find a way out from. In that case, these Jiu-Jitsu could be of help for your self-defense.

This is what happened to dog trainer and BJJ blue belt Blake Rodriguez. After getting bumped into by an aggressive individual, his jiu-jitsu instincts kicked into gear only to later find out that the man was carry a bag full of stolen property.

He explained the incident to Rener Gracie: