
BJJ Black Belt On Why He (Still) Attends The Fundamental Class Along with the Beginners

BJJ Black Belt On Why He (Still) Attends The Fundamental Class Along with the Beginners

It is common for advanced practitioners to want to focus more on advanced techniques instead the fundamentals. This is a big mistake as the fundamental techniques are what will save you. Even beginners sometimes want to skip the fundamentals and instead learn a new flashy technique that they saw on youtube.

Why Most New Flashy BJJ Techniques Just Won’t Work For You

Many advanced practitioners are so caught up with advanced techniques that they sometimes feel out of touch with the basics.

Ruben Alvarez

Accomplished BJJ black belt instructor Ruben Alvarez explains why he still participates in the fundamental class along with the beginners:

I still do the Fundamental classes at WMB. Yes i do the complete white belt class. You wonder why, a black belt is doing a white belt class? Because i found myself so caught up with advance techniques that i lost my base of doing the basics. You’ll often hear many instructors talk about how the basics are key to anything in Bjj, its super cliche but its so very true. From self defense aspects to sport if you have a great base you’ll get far. Here in this pic one of my main training partners Diego Castro & I go over elbow pushes after Coach Jb basics class at Wmb. Train the basics guys it will help out in the long run!!