
Bernardo Faria Answers “What Is The Biggest Mistake That White Belts Make In BJJ?”

Bernardo Faria Answers “What Is The Biggest Mistake That White Belts Make In BJJ?”

BJJ is all about having a strong posture and pressuring your opponent, at a fundamental level. You might think that a strong posture is simple to maintain, but it really isn’t.

There are so many elements of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that are difficult to see, feel or understand. You may have heard of the term “invisible Jiu-Jitsu”. Well this is what we are talking about.

In this video, 5x world champion Bernardo Faria details some of the most common mistakes that beginners make when training BJJ. He shares tips and clues to make yourself a less vulnerable target for those high-level guys in the gym you have been rolling with. Also he provides a roadmap as to how to understand the basic positions.


If you want to see the habits of a crossover star, watch Travis Stevens closely. He has a special combination of skills relevant to Judo and a technical mastery over its close cousin, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Travis Stevens is an Olympic Judo Silver Medalist and John Danaher Black Belt. He showcases his art in his new instructional Fundamentals and Concepts.

  • Travis has one of the strongest foundations from several different forms of grappling
  • These principles will speed your learning curve
  • Travis Stevens received his black belt in just 18 months
  • Learn the central concepts between hitting a move and not
  • The perfect instructional set for anybody of any age, rank, athletic level, and fitness level