
Beginner Tried 3 Different BJJ Academies & Shared his Impressions

Beginner Tried 3 Different BJJ Academies & Shared his Impressions

Jiu-jitsu is an inherently hard activity. When starting out, you go to a school and start learning to grapple in a room full of complete strangers.

For many people, in the beginning, this is an intensely uncomfortable experience. Some people have reported that some BJJ training sessions were so intense that they would be so nervous before training and would have to sit in the car and talk themselves into going into the gym before every class….

Some people are terrified of not understanding the techniques or of getting hurt during live rolling. Many newcomers to BJJ may feel this way, have to talk themselves into going to class tonight, and are often frustrated by their slow progress in BJJ, and very often by being constantly smashed by higher belts during live rolling…

In this interesting video, this beginner tried 3 different BJJ academies and told Rener Gracie what he thought. The first academy was No Gi only and he was put to learn very complex techniques from day 1. The second academy was a major BJJ affiliation and he thought the class was better but was too sporty. The 3rd one was Gracie University….