
4 Pieces of Equipment for the Perfect Home Gym

4 Pieces of Equipment for the Perfect Home Gym

Many people are turned off by how crowded commercial gyms can get. They can also be unsanitary because of how many people are coming and in and out and trudging sweat along with them. Or, you may just not have time to visit your local gym due to a busy schedule.

Whatever your reasons are for not hitting the gym, a viable solution for those of you with the means is to create a home gym. This way, you get all of the benefits of working out, but within the comfort of your own home. Here are the best types of equipment for creating the home gym of your dreams:

1. Treadmills

Treadmills are one of the most common types of gym equipment and no good home gym would be complete without one. Cardio should be an important part of anyone’s workout routine, so investing in a treadmill is of utmost importance.

While on a treadmill, you target your abs, glutes, hamstrings, calf muscles, and quadriceps. Treadmills are also a good supplement to a weight-loss diet because running is one of the most efficient ways to burn calories and fat.

When shopping for a good treadmill, look for a good shock absorption system, heart-rate tracking, preset programs, and safety features. To discover more about the benefits of running on a treadmill and to see some of the best treadmills on the market, check out this review.

2. Barbells and Plates

For strength-training, barbells and plates are fundamental to most workout routines. With barbells and plates, you’ll be able to do a variety of classic workouts that target key muscle groups like the chest, arms, back, shoulders, and legs.

With plates, you’ll need to purchase an Olympic bar as well which is almost 7ft wide. When you’re looking for this, make sure you also have enough space to accommodate it. If your budget is higher, consider purchasing professional bumper plates which are coated in rubber.

Whether you’re willing to spend a lot or trying to stretch a small sum of money, there are barbells and plates available to you in every price range. Your priority when shopping should be varying weights so that when you become stronger, you can increase the weight you are training with.

3. Bench Press

A bench press is another foundational part of any gym, and owning one will let you make better use of your barbells, as well as give you more options when it comes to workouts. You can purchase a bench that has a built-in barbell rack, or one that is free-standing.

Look for a bench that has an incline and decline option so you can get a full range of motion and target different muscle groups during your workout. It may be better for you to purchase a commercial bench rather than one made specifically for home-use because they’re built to last longer.

4. Floors

This is optional, but having the proper flooring beneath your home gym can drastically improve the function of your workout space. Foam flooring is the best option because it not only helps you protect your house’s original flooring, but it will increase the lifespan of your gym equipment.

Another feature of foam flooring is it can minimize the amount of sound coming from your gym. If you live with other people, foam flooring will help you avoid disturbing those people while you are working out.

Foam flooring is inexpensive and can be bought in the form of large squares which connect like puzzle pieces. It’s super easy to install and will not affect the existing flooring in your home.