
20 icebreakers to start a dialogue online from Livebeam

20 icebreakers to start a dialogue online from Livebeam

Livebeam is a great platform for new acquaintances. But sometimes, it might be hard for a person to start a conversation with a stranger or keep it flowing. Today our team presents to you 20 ice breaker ideas to start a dialogue with someone online.


Ten icebreakers to get to know someone


One of the easiest things to do to start a dialogue and keep it flowing is to ask the person more about them. Make sure that your questions are open-ended. Here are a few examples from Livebeam:


  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. What is your favorite season?
  3. What music do you usually listen to?
  4. What book genre do you prefer?
  5. Who is your celebrity crush?
  6. What emoji describes you the best?
  7. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
  8. What do you take pictures of most often?
  9. Who is your favorite Livebeam streamer?
  10. What aesthetic do you refer to the most, if any?


These questions might help you to find something you two have in common. They are not very intricate, and if you want, you can start a discussion following the answers.


Five intricate questions to start a discussion


Once you start with some generic questions at the beginning of a dialogue, you want to keep talking and not be dull. One of the best strategies to keep the conversation flowing and pull out some discussion is “Would you rather?” questions. Livebeam prepared for you five examples that do not involve politics, religion, or other tricky topics.


  1. Would you rather go to the Arctic or the Sahara Desert?
  2. Would you rather see the world ending or beginning?
  3. Would you rather have a mouse-sized tiger or a tiger-sized mouse as a pet?
  4. Would you rather be always hot or always cold?
  5. Would you rather travel around the world for free or get $1,000 for every day spent at home?


The examples listed above are provided to give you some general ideas that will fit any dialogue. But if you know at least a little bit about the person already, you can come up with your own “Would you rather?” questions based on their interests and traits.


Five extra weird ice breakers from Livebeam


These five questions are not for everyone. They are somewhat weird and unusual, but that is a good thing about them. They are not dull and will most definitely draw the attention of the person you are messaging:

  1. Are you someone who applauds when the plane lands?
  2. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  3. What is something you would like to be known for?
  4. What knowledge gives you goosebumps?
  5. What music do you think they play in paradise?