
10 Things You Need To Consider Before Making Your Weight Loss Plan

10 Things You Need To Consider Before Making Your Weight Loss Plan

Before making a weight loss plan, you need to know about supplements, routine exercises, good diets, and habits that impede weight loss.

There are many people suffering from obesity, and as a result of it, they get affected by a wide variety of diseases. These diseases include cardiac arrest, high blood pressure, and several other life-threatening ailments. 


To prevent that, most people suffering from obesity are now getting into various weight loss programs to get a fit body.


But before you start a weight loss program for yourself, you need to consider a few key points. Losing weight is not always easy, and running every day might not help out much. To effectively lose weight, you have to understand your body more and set reasonable goals. 


Here are some things you need to consider.


1. Do Supplements Actually Help?

Supplements are the go-to choice for most obese people who want to lose weight. Many gym instructors might tell you to take weight loss supplements that will help reduce weight. 


Although sometimes that might be true, some of these supplements are not regulated by drug administrators. 


So, the supplements might cause severe side effects in your body. They do not actually reduce the fat in your body but tinker with your hunger so that you do not consume too much food. This may help you lose some weight, but not consuming food is an unhealthy practice that will make you weaker.


So, if you really have to take some supplements, consult your doctor. If the doctor recommends it, only then should you consume dietary pills or supplements. 


Otherwise, it is best to refrain from them. You can also check out these Top 10 Best Vitamins For Weight Loss And Energy to learn about some safe and healthy supplements.


2. Genetic Disorders Can Negate The Impacts 

Our genes control almost everything that happens in our bodies. So, if you have genes that cause obesity,  no matter how hard you try to reduce your body weight, you might not get the desired results.


Genes can cause three types of disorders responsible for nullifying the impacts of a weight loss program. The disorders include hormonal disorder, sleeping disorder, and an eating disorder. If you take a more in-depth look, it is not actually the disorders but the diseases caused by these disorders that prevent you from reducing your weight. The diseases are-


  • Hormonal Disorders: Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Cushing’s disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Sleeping Disorders: Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Eating Disorders: Carbohydrate craving syndrome.


3. The Food You Eat

You cannot just blindly follow the rules of your weight loss program. You also need to consider the foods you eat if you really want to lose weight and prevent obesity. The foods that are mainly responsible for obesity are cholesterol, carbohydrates, and fat.


To keep things simple, let us measure the food by calories instead of cholesterol and carbohydrates. If you eat a higher-calorie food, then obviously you will become fat. 


To understand how many calories you should eat every day, follow the “eat when hungry” policy. This means you will only eat a small portion of food when you feel hungry, but do not eat as much as your stomach can hold.


Another thing you must absolutely do is to drink a good amount of water. If water doesn’t attract you much, try drinking low-calorie drinks such as unsweetened tea or green tea.


4. The Daily Exercise Routine

Exercise and diet go hand in hand. If you only eat and do not do any workout or exercise, your body will gradually store calories, making you fat and obese. So you need to work out every single day, depending on how much you eat.


If you want to start losing some weight quickly, then make your workout routine tougher. Add an additional 10 minutes to your workout routine every single day. 


Run one more lap in the park every day. Do your household chores every day, such as washing your clothes and dishes or cleaning the room, etc. 


Be as active as possible, and keep the muscles in your body active at all times. The more muscle mass you have, the less fat your body will store.


5. You Need To Change Your Lifestyle

Weight loss requires a lot of dedication and self-motivation. If you just have a plan or a program to reduce your weight and not change your lifestyle accordingly, there is no point in it.


But what sort of lifestyle change are we talking about? We mean change everything. If you were lazy and did not clean your room or make your bed before, then start doing these things. If you went out to party a lot and ate high-calorie food, stop going to parties.


If you have to party, then strictly confine yourself to salads and liquid drinks. But are all drinks acceptable? Absolutely not! Drinks high in sugar or calorie are an absolute no. But something far worse than high-calorie drinks is alcohol.


If you have the tendency to have a beer or wine when you are out with your friends, either you need to switch your drinks or change your friends to those who do not drink alcohol.


6. Have A Positive Outlook

Although it might seem strange, the more stressed out, anxious, and depressed you are, the more likely you will gain weight. The relation between depression and weight gain is not a direct but an indirect one.


This also happens because when someone feels depressed or anxious, they often stay awake late at night. As they remain awake, they start feeling hungry. As a result, they go to the fridge and overeat. The most favorite late-night dishes for such people are chocolates, ice creams, and fast foods. 


You already know that these foods are calorie-dense. This is why even when you are having a rough time, you need to smile through them and have a positive outlook for the days to come.


7. Consult Your Doctor

When a weight loss instructor gives you a weight loss program, you should go to the doctor and ask whether or not this program is right for you. You should ask your doctor a few questions such as-


  1. Will this program have any negative impacts on me?
  2. Are there any risks involved?
  3. How should I stop my fast food urges?
  4. What is the right Body Mass Index (BMI) for me?
  5. Should I contact other people who are using a similar weight loss program?
  6. What measures do I need to follow to maintain the reduced weight?


Having these answers will give you a higher chance to continue and complete your weight loss program.


8. There Are No Shortcuts

If you think you can just gain the perfect weight and body overnight, you are gravely mistaken. Weight loss requires a lot of dedication and time. 


During these times, you must have patience and stick to the program. Even a simple misstep can destroy the whole weight loss program, and you will be back to square one.


You need to believe that there is no superfood, no extraordinary exercise, and no secret techniques to reduce weight. It will take months before you can reach the perfect weight. So do not give up and keep pushing yourself.


9. Having Support Could Be Extremely Beneficial

Humans are social creatures. What they do solo can be done much better and much more efficiently in groups. So while you are trying to reduce weight, you should try to get a partner. This can be a friend, a family member, an office colleague, or a person you met at the gym.


Share opinions on weight loss and motivate each other. You will be amazed by the power of a simple pat on the back. This can also be a great way to create a good bond and friendship. 


When the weight loss program ends, you will actually have someone who shared similar milestones and reached them successfully.


10. Your Goals Should Be Realistic

Although you should aim to gain the best results, you should also keep in mind that your goals should not be too over the top. 


This means you should not set unrealistic goals like getting great abs in two weeks.


It is good to dream, but your dreams should be within your reach. Although it might seem small, a simple 10% weight loss can make you feel much better than an unachievable dream of six-packs. So keep your goals realistic and keep working towards them.


Final Thoughts

Extra weight is never a good thing. Not only will it make you feel uneasy and sluggish, but it also takes away years from your lifespan. Try to implement the things suggested in this article if you seriously want to start and maintain an effective weight loss program.