
Jocko Willink On the Difference Between Being Fatigued & Being Lazy

Jocko Willink On the Difference Between Being Fatigued & Being Lazy

How do you know if you’re overtrained in Jiu-Jitsu?

– Lack of enjoyment during class
– Slight fevers
– Series of injuries
– Delayed reaction times
– Depression
– Constant soreness and tiredness
– Lack of motivation to go to training

If these things happen, don’t hesitate to take a break. Either don’t do any Jiu-Jitsu for a few days or do a completely different sport for a while (to stay in shape).You will also perform better after a break. Doing one class with a fresh body and mind is better than doing three classes feeling tired and bored.Resting is as important as training.

The problem, is when one is training for competition, the limits of physical and mental toughness have to be pushed in order to come in the best shape possible on D day .

Signs You’re Just Lazy

A stressful day at work or working intensely on a project can exhaust our mental fuel for the day, leaving us feeling worn down. But let’s be real: Sometimes we just feel unmotivated or lazy. If you’re wondering if that’s the case, listen to Jocko Willink.

Jocko Willink as a former Navy SEAL commander and a BJJ black belt knows a thing or two on overtraining and about recognizing laziness. Here he gives some good advice on recognizing when you are truly overtrained and what to do if that happens.