
How To Prepare For BJJ Training

How To Prepare For BJJ Training

BJJ training can be intense and it’s easy to sustain an injury if you’re not prepared! 

Check out our five tips below so that you are ready to take on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!

1. Personal Trainer Programme

If you have some spare cash to splash and could do with the extra motivation, then consider enrolling yourself in some personal training courses. This is a great way to build up your skills and stamina. If you share your expertise with other people by starting up classes or one-to-one personal training sessions, then this is also a great way to have a second job.

It’s a great way to boost your confidence and widen your skills. You can even enroll in courses that specialize in different domains, such as learning about nutrition, muscle groups, and meal planning. You can enroll quickly and easily, learn and then start earning for yourself. This is an excellent way to prepare yourself for BJJ training and a great way to prepare other people too.

2. Join a Running Club

Do you need to do cardio? Is it a chore? You’re not alone in needing to prioritize cardio. 

Try joining a running club and discover the difference it’ll make in your BJJ training.

For BJJ, it is essential to have good stamina, including cardio. This is essential to maintain good health too but can be quite a boring task. 

Make it a social event, so it’s fun! Joining a running club is a great way to ensure that you’re kept motivated and also are partly responsible for motivating other people too. This is also a good way to share interests with like-minded people and meet new people you wouldn’t have met otherwise. 

3. Strength Training

Do you find you lack strength? Do you lack confidence? Strength training is a vital aspect of preparing for BJJ training and constant training ensures your growth continues. In fact, strength training is linked to better heart health overall. This is an excellent way to build confidence and prepare yourself for BJJ training.

Try strength training and see how your performance improves. Switch the 10-minute stair master for weights and see what changes you notice.

4. Sleep Well

For many of us, our nights are spent tossing and turning, struggling to fall asleep, waking up throughout, and overall not getting the slumber our bodies crave. If you’re finding yourself falling short of eight hours, then it’s time to re-evaluate how much you value your sleep schedule and determine what can be done to improve it. 

Sleeping well and sleeping for a set amount of time is essential for both your mental and physical health. This is important for your heart health, and in turn, will help your BJJ training tenfold. Consider investing in a weighted blanket, having a nice cup of herbal tea before you go to sleep, and ensuring your sleep hygiene is as good as it can be. Try this tip and see if you feel better prepared for your BJJ training.

5. Eat Well

You are what you eat has never rung more true. A key aspect to performing well physically is to eat well. Make sure you are filling your body with at least five fruits and veg a day and ensuring you eat all the nutrients you possibly can. Avoid that sluggish feeling and be ready to face your BJJ opponent head-on – stay competitive with yourself and challenge your personal best. 


To perform well in BJJ training, it is important to look at your health holistically. Try these five tips and see how it impacts your performance!