
Polaris Releases Statement On Use Of PEDs In Their Tournaments

Polaris Releases Statement On Use Of PEDs In Their Tournaments

On the professional athlete level, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is often timesĀ not PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) free… As a considerable number of practitioners use it to gain a competitive advantage on the mats.
However, it seems that professional organizations are, one by one, trickling down their policies to be more in favor of the steroids-free competitors.

The latest one to do so has beenĀ Polaris.
They’ve released their official policy on competitors who use PEDs:

We at Polaris believe in striving towards the ideal of a clean sport.

Polaris began as a group of friends warning to create a new form of grappling entertainment, and now almost ten years later has become one of the biggest professional grappling organisations in the world.
To that end, we feel a responsibility to promote a clean sport to the next generation of athletes.

Currently, our policy is that we will not invite athletes to the show who are serving a ban from an official organisation such as USADA or WADA.
This policy has been unofficially in place for a number of years but is now official.

As we explore the costs, opportunities/partnerships, and logistics of implementing our own testing procedures in the future, we encourage other organisations to do the same in order to create a level playing field.