
Can You Bite Your Way Out Of An Armbar? Biting vs Armbar in BJJ

Can You Bite Your Way Out Of An Armbar? Biting vs Armbar in BJJ

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and self-defense, certain scenarios often prompt interesting questions. One such scenario, presented in this video, delves into the effectiveness of biting as a countermeasure to an armbar. The video features Professor Dartanian Bagby, an old school bjj black belt and part of the renowned “Dirty Dozen” of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, demonstrating the reality of this technique.

  • “If your arm’s about to get broken, can you bite the attacker’s leg and make him let go?” This question sets the stage for the demonstration. It explores the common belief or hope that biting could be a viable escape method in a potentially compromising position like an armbar.
  • “What really happens if you bite.” The video not only theorizes but also showcases a practical demonstration by Professor Dartanian Bagby, who holds black belts in BJJ, Judo, and Karate.
  • “He does armbar” A pivotal moment in the video where Professor Bagby applies the armbar, a fundamental yet highly effective technique in BJJ and martial arts.
  • “Turn my wrist” This quote signifies the controlled and technical aspect of BJJ. Even in a demonstration, the focus remains on technique and safety, emphasizing the importance of wrist control in an armbar.
  • “And that’s just gentle enough to make the point” The instructor ensures that the demonstration is safe yet effective enough to convey the message. This highlights the teaching methodology in BJJ, where learning and safety go hand-in-hand.
  • “Not trying to hurt you” This statement reflects the ethos of martial arts training, particularly in BJJ. Respect for the opponent and controlled application of techniques is paramount, regardless of the scenario.

The video, while short, offers a concise and practical look into a situation that many might ponder but rarely experience. Through this demonstration by a seasoned practitioner, viewers gain insights into the practical aspects of BJJ and the reality of self-defense techniques. Dartanian Bagby’s expertise brings a level of authenticity and depth to the topic, debunking myths and providing a realistic perspective on the effectiveness of biting in an armbar situation.