MMA legend Rampage Jackson has recently shared his concerns over his son’s choice to combine a vegan lifestyle with his aspirations in mixed martial arts (MMA).
During an interview with the MMA Hour, Jackson expressed his skepticism about the feasibility of reaching the pinnacle of MMA success – while being on a vegan diet.
Jackson’s son, eager to carve out his own legacy in the fighting world, decided to embrace veganism alongside his training.
Jackson, however, was not convinced:
I told him, like: “Son, you can’t there’s no way you would be an MMA champion and be a vegan.”
And he don’t believe me. He thinks that he could be the first vegan champion in the world.I’m like, okay. This is what he thinks.
But I’m like, you’re just making everything hard.You’re helping your opponents.
You’re not training like the way you should, like the way your dad did.
Despite Jackson’s advice, his son was determined to prove his father wrong:
So I just said: “You know what? Fu*k me.”
And I pushed him out the nest.You can get the fu*k out. Go do it on your own.
Because no one helped me when I was his age, you know what I’m saying?I felt like I was a crutch.
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