
Mason Fowler Eager To Face Nicholas Meregali: “I Don’t Really Care”

Mason Fowler Eager To Face Nicholas Meregali: “I Don’t Really Care”

Mason Fowler is one of the most elite and successful Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes of our time…
And he is more than eager to face yet another great – Nicholas Meregali.

In a recent interview with the Grappling Insider, Fowler expressed his thoughts about facing Meregali – as well as what he thinks of his call outs:

I’ve also called for Meregali in the past.

You know, when Meregali first came to no-gi, I was the guy that was messaging Who’s Number One, I want the match with Meregali, and no response.
And now Meregali is calling for me.

My thing is, I don’t really give a f*ck about his plans or what he wants.
I’m here for myself and what I think is the right move for myself right now is the match with Nicky Rod.

I’m sure that match will happen at some point.
He’s trying to start a big war on social media and calling me out and all this stuff and I just kind of ignore it.

I don’t want to play into his strategy or his games at all.

Fowler believes that there is one very specific reason why Meregali is calling him out and not someone like Nicky Rod or Victor Hugo:

I think that another reason that he’s trying to get a match with me is because he has Nicky Rod calling him out, which he already said he doesn’t want to accept that match.

And he also has Victor Hugo calling him out, and again he said that he doesn’t want to accept that match.

And of course, he has his reasons why he’s saying he supposedly doesn’t want to accept them, but calling me out is one way of basically turning down those two guys without really turning them down…

I think that’s in his head what he’s thinking: “Dang, my next match is gonna have to be either Nicky Rod, Mason or Victor Hugo?”

So they sit down: “Okay who do we have the best chance to beat? Probably Mason.”

I’m the smallest out of the options, right?


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