
BJJ Instructor Attacked by Neighbour; Uses Jiu-Jitsu & Waits For Cops

BJJ Instructor Attacked by Neighbour; Uses Jiu-Jitsu & Waits For Cops


Earlie this morning, Professor Daniel Wanderley, 3rd Degree Black Belt under Carlson Gracie, Jr. and Head BJJ Instructor at Roufusport was attacked by his neighbour in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

He resorted to Jiu-Jitsu to defend himself and waited for the Police to arrive.

Wanderley wrote on his Facebook:

My neighbor try to start fight with me today and attack me with a big cigarette ashtray. I defended my self getting him to the ground while my other neighbor took this picture. My wife called the cops and I was holding him until the police arrived. #selfdefense
Meu vizinho tenta iniciar briga comigo e me atacar com um grande cinzeiro do cigarro. Eu me defendi lava do ele para o chão, enquanto o meu outro vizinho tirou esta foto. Minha esposa chamou a polícia e eu fiquei segurando até que a polícia chegou. #Defesa pessoal


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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu professor Daniel Wanderley was born in the beautiful beach city of Recife, Brazil. He began his Ji-Jitsu training in 2000 and earned his black belt within 5 years. His original teacher, Gutenberg Melo, began training BJJ in 1976 and earned his black belt from Carlson Gracie Sr. in 1992.


Daniel moved to Chicago, IL in 2005 to train and teach at the Carlson Gracie academy. When Carlson Gracie, Sr. passed away in 2006, Daniel received an invite to teach at the academy.