
Why Some People Just Don’t Want To Even Try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Why Some People Just Don’t Want To Even Try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Written by Franco Rulloda, BJJ black belt and instructor at Ribeiro Jiu-Jitsu Philippines.

The benefits of Jiu-Jitsu are numerous: self defense, increased fitness, health, social skills, self confidence, humility, ego killer, camaraderie etc…However, not everybody will understand this and see the benefits.

Why people aren’t trying Jiujitsu

1. Fear of failure
– We have this preconceived notion that we have to get things right off the bat. Learning begins at point zero. You progress everytime you show up

2. Fear of judgment
– Another preconceived notion that “everyone is watching me” and if you mess up, it’s embarassing – this is just a cracka horseh*t your lizard brain is telling you.

Nobody Cares! No one is watching you. Everyone is busy learning, getting choked and getting smesshed. They don’t have time to look at you.

3. It looks hard, seems hard to do
– To which I always answer “Yes it is”. This is the closest you will get to an actual physical struggle that is performed in the safest environment. We are preparing the body and the mind for untoward incidents.

Do you actually think an assailant is going to take it easy on you? Like seriously?

4. Ego problem
– Yes I am talking to you boys that say “I know that already”, “I saw my friend do that before” or “yeah I saw it on YouTube” but can’t do it right. Even better is when they act tough then get beaten up by someone smaller than them.

Getting exposed to yourself is one of the best things that could ever happen to you. Better it happen in the gym than it happen outside. Next up is you accept your limitations and train or give in to your ego and make more excuses.

5. Too many excuses
– I don’t really waste my time on this.