
Uber Driver Victimized by Woman- BJJ Community Offers To Help Him

Uber Driver Victimized by Woman- BJJ Community Offers To Help Him

In Atlanta, Georgia, Uber driver, Yasser Hadi dropped off a passenger in front of her apartement, when out of nowhere a woman threatened to kill him, and then violently bit him in his side.

Haidi said:

“She’s acting weird, she’s acting wild, and she’s on the car hitting it, telling me I need to die, to kill me,”

BJJ Fanatics Co-Founder Mike Zenga reached and offered to give him a 250$ gift voucher to buy some BJJ self defense instructionals such Eli Knight’s excellent new release:

If someone knows this Bro – the Uber Driver, I’d like to volunteer a $250 gift certificate to the BJJ Fanatics store. I’m going to go out on a limb and say he shouldn’t have lost a fight to this woman. It just can’t happen. The technology is there to stop such an emasculation and we have it – we’d like to share it with him.