
Try These Self-Care Tips To Live Your Best Life in Bangalore

Try These Self-Care Tips To Live Your Best Life in Bangalore

Living alone in Bangalore can be extremely exciting but it isn’t as easy as it sounds. You’ve got a lot on your plate, between handling your work or college, trying to establish a social life, learning new life skills, managing money, paying your room rent in Bangalore and more. It isn’t exactly a walk in the park. It’s difficult to find time for a breather or to give yourself a break. And that can lead to you feeling stressed and overwhelmed and not functioning at your optimum level. But you deserve better. That’s why we’re bringing you some self-care tips that you should keep in mind while living in Bangalore. These are simple and easy changes that you can add to your schedule and incorporate into your existing routine to think and feel a lot better. So, let’s start the journey to becoming your best self right now!


Create a morning routine

You might think that routines are really boring but they’re also super important to create a sense of support for yourself and streamline your day. Morning routines are the perfect way to do this. By waking up only fifteen minutes earlier than your usual schedule, you can create a cohesive and calming morning routine that will give you all the positive vibes you need throughout the day. Don’t make it too complicated – a few steps that allow you to have some me-time, eat your breakfast and get ready before you start your day work incredibly well in adding some stability to your life. 


Don’t skip meals

We’ve all been guilty of this at some point, especially when there are no parents around to check if we’ve been eating right. But skipping meals is actually one of the worst things that you can do, especially when it comes to breakfast. It’s important to ensure that you’re eating on time, as this will give your body the fuel that you need to work and get through your day and will also reduce your tendency to reach for unhealthy snacks. So, no matter how busy you think you are, make sure you’re not skipping meals. It’ll be a lot easier to be focused and productive when you have a full stomach.


Drink water

This one goes hand-in-hand with our previous tip, but trust us when we say that proper hydration can make a world of difference to how you think and feel. And FYI, chugging those cups of coffee or sugar-loaded sodas are not actually hydrating you. In fact, all that excess caffeine and sugar is actually drying out your system a lot quicker. Which makes it even more important for you to drink enough water. Keep a water bottle on you at all times and ensure that you’re sipping it throughout the day. This will help improve your mood, increase your energy and help your concentration as well. You can even add water into your diet by incorporating some snacks like fruits and veggies that are high in water content into your diet. Melons, cucumbers, tomatoes and other such foods will also keep you feeling light and hydrated. 


Take breaks

No, it’s not as easy as it sounds. How much time do you actually spend in a day on yourself? Not on your work or other obligations or just scrolling through social media, but on some activity that leaves you feeling relaxed and energised? Probably not that much. And that’s what’s preventing you from feeling like your best self. Your hectic schedule and room sharing in Bangalore is already leaving you with very little time to spend on yourself, so if you spend your breaks on the phone or finishing your chores, you’re bound to feel even more drained. Instead, use a break as a chance to recharge and get some physical activity by going for a walk, or improve your mood by talking to a friend rather than just liking their Instagram photos. Engage with a hobby that you don’t normally get time to do or start a mindfulness practice like journaling. These will help you take breaks to recharge and start feeling better. 


We hope that these tips are helpful to you and that you’re able to integrate some or all of these self-care habits into your life in Bangalore. Once you start making these changes to your lifestyle, they’re sure to help you improve the quality of your life and leave you feeling happier and more energised. So, go ahead and embrace the best version of yourself!