
The ‘Death Sentence’ Guard Pass That Guard Players Hate

The ‘Death Sentence’ Guard Pass That Guard Players Hate

There is one type of BJJ guard pass using a cross grip on the pants that is highly effective when attacking from the top position.

In this video, Kristian Woodmansee breaks down this latest concept for guard passing, detailing this extremely effective grip that many Jiu-Jiteiros are yet to discover. He calls the cross grip pass, the “Death Sentence’ guard pass.

He begins teaching this unique grip, however, the entirety of the video before this is filled with great concepts and knowledge about the guard passing game that you absolutely do NOT want to miss.

BJJ black belt Ariel Tabak breaks down the very effective cross grip pass that is used by today’s top competitors:

Tired of getting smashed by the heavier training partners at your academy? Kristian Woodmansee has the giant slaying formula you need to start turning the tables.
