
Judo Pays Off: Schoolyard Bully Picks The Wrong Kid To Choke

Judo Pays Off: Schoolyard Bully Picks The Wrong Kid To Choke

Through the years we have put the spotlight on many cases of bullying and especially on how different variations of grappling, and most prominently brazilian jiu jitsu enable kids (and grown ups) to stand tall and defend themselves.

5 MMA Stars Who Were Bullied As Kids

How Jiu-Jitsu Changed The Life Of Austin McDaniel from a Victim of Bullying To An Assertive Young Man Joining The Marines

This latest video shines a light on how judo helped a young man defend himself when a bully tried to choke him:

Guy in Spiderman Costume Uses Jiu-Jitsu To Beat Up Racist Bully

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